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Updates from Field

Posted by admin 20 - February - 2005

Mr. Johnny W. Utama and his team, the team 9, has gone back to Aceh. This time, their mission is to rebuild the infrasturcture and the morale of the badly hit and traumatised Acehnese.

Here are the the updates of their activity. And again as mobile phone has almost become the only communication tool, Ms. Cynthia Sudarto of The Humanity Forum has gathered all the updates from her SMS communication with Johny W. Utama. Some of these following information (mostly names of donors ad contacts) might be hidden for confidentiality reason.

14 Feb 2005 // 02:14:56 pm
di Durueng ternyata udah ada listrik dari genset.  Peni (staffnya Ka Johnnya di JKT) bawa 1 alat seal plastik.  — JU 

Apparently there’s electricity in Durueng village from the generator. Peni ( Kak Johnny’s staff from Jakarta) brought a plastic laminator. —Johnny Utama (JU)

14 Feb 2005 // 05:22:39 pm 
Di Desa Durueng ternyata sudah ada listrik dari genset. Peni bawa 1 alat seal plastik. — JU
Apparently there’s electricity in Durueng village. Peni brought a plastic laminator. —JU

14 Feb 2005 // 07:22:42 pm 
Saya sudah di Aceh. Ternyata Desa Durueng udah ada listrik ex-genset. Heri perlu laptop. — JU 
I’m already in Aceh. Apparently there’s electricity in Durueng village from the generator. Heri needs a notebook computer. —JU

14 Feb 2005 // 07:29:41 pm 
Kalau bisa keteu laptop bekas seharga Rp 3-5 jt, 2 buah untuk Desa COT GUE dan DURUENG. Jadi kalau bisa untuk bikin laporan rutin & Profile desa + LSM pendamping bisa proposed beras, guru, samapi dengan rumah kayu. FYI, Desa Durueng minggu lalu didatangi Ka Seto.
If possible, please find 2 used notebooks costing about Rp. 3-5 million, for COT GUE village and DURUENG village. We are planning to use them for making reports and village profile. Besides that, out associated NGO could use for the proposal of rice, teachers or even wooden houses. FYI, Ka Seto visited Durueng village, last week.

15 Feb 2005 // 07:03:24 am 
Kompor & Oven belum saya lihat. Nanti kalau barang tiba di Banda Aceh saya akan langsung check . Btw, kami dapat sewa tempat layak huni dan gudang di dekat POSKO PASE Rp 2 jt untuk 14 pax selama 10 hari. — JU
I haven’t seen the stoves and ovens. I’m going to check the goods once they arrive in Aceh. By the way, we found a livable shelter for 14 people and a warehouse near POSKO PASE for Rp. 10 Million, for 10 days —JU

16 Feb 2005 // 07:10:03 am 
Kompor & Oven sudah sesuai dan sudah kami terima dengan baik. Besok program roti akan mulai. All in high spirit! — JU 
The stoves and ovens have been checked and received in good condition. The bread program is going to kick off tomorrow. All in high spirit! —JU

20 Feb 2005 // 09:41:25 am 
Kami masih di lautan Hindia pulang dari Pulau Atjeh menuju Banda. Pulau Atjeh hancur rata, separuh penduduk meninggal. 93% BALITA meninggal. Sedih lihat popk bayi setumpuk berbalut lumpur. Orang2 tua bilang, 1 generasi Pulau Atjeh hilang sudah. Kami rencana bangun tangki & MCK untuk relawan dan penduduk disini. — JU 
We’re still in Indian ocean coming from Atjeh island and heading towards Banda. Atjeh island was fully wiped out. About half of its people died. 93% of their BALITA (Below 5 y.o. children) died. I’m feeling quite sad to see a stack of baby diapers covered with mud. Some of the elderly say that 1 whole generation has vanished. We’re planning to build water tanks, public bathroom and toilet for volunteers and locals here. —JU

20 Feb 2005 // 09:53:56 am
Progaram roti suahda berjalan lancer including pemasaran ke Red Cross int’l. Menjahit & menyulam besok mulai dan juga program Arang Batok dan Minyak Kelapa. Tangki Ferro Cement laku sekali, rasanya tim tangki kurang orang. Permintaan akan tangki ferro cement ini tinggi sekali. — JU. 
The bread program has kicked off and that includes selling them to the Red Cross International. Sewing and knitting program has been started and so are the Coconut Charcoal and Coconut Oil program. Ferro Cement tanks are highly in demand. We’re running short in man power. —JU
