The Humanity Forum (THF) is a group of volunteers from different walks of life, coming together, and lending their professional expertise, networks and resources to make a difference.
The Formation
The Humanity Forum was founded on the 8th of January 2005, exactly two weeks after the Asian Tsunami Disaster. We came to realise that there are a lot of NGOs specialising in humanitarian aid, after watching the news on TV and other mass media during the Tsunami Disaster. But even during the disaster itself, not many knew of their existence. Those who wanted to donate resources to help others recover, had a hard time in finding the appropriate NGO to suit their cause. We discovered that this is due to the serious lack of communication, awareness and exposure of NGOs to the general public. The Humanity Forum was thus founded to fill this gap, powered by our first 2 volunteers from the media and creative industry.
Now, we hope to fill the gaps in more sectors especially in Education, Health, Livelihood, Community Support and Relief & Rebuilding, which have become our key missions.