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Project Love & Hope

Posted by admin 15 - May - 2012

Project Love & Hope



 To order, kindly contact our volunteers below:

Cynthia A. Sudarto: 0811 877 936 cynthia@thehumanityforum.org

Aty Syakur: 0812 9115 669

Judia Daisy Rina: 0816 1861 666 jdaisyrina@yahoo.com

Nita Ruslim: 0811 949 956 nita.ruslim@gmail.com

Lucy Pandjaitan: 0878 8815 5020 / 021 7225142 lucypandjaitan@yahoo.com

Uni Said: 0816 583 933 unisaid@hotmail.com

Henny Hariyani: 0811 941 123 henny_hariyani@yahoo.com

Blog: Hari yang Indah di RK1 YKAKI

Blog: Hari yang Indah di RK1 YKAKI
16 May 2012.

Saya ingin membagi catatan pendek tentang acara HF di RK1 hari Minggu yl terutama kepada kawan yang tidak hadir.
Ada sekitar 12 anak dengan kanker plus orang tuanya masing-masing, para pengurus Ykaki, HF kira2 16 orang. Cukup ramai… Read More

Visit to YKAKI May 2012

Visit to YKAKI
13 May 2012.

By Happy Fitters

Garage Sale May 2012

Garage Sale
2 May 2012.

Wisma Kasih Bunda Visit by THF & HF April 2012

Wisma Kasih Bunda Visit by THF & HF
21 April 2012.

Welcome to the official site of “Project Love & Hope”. A collaborated humanitarian project by 2 most awesome groups of volunteers: THF & Happy Fit (HF).Do visit this site regularly for the latest updates about this humble initiative which hope to make the world a better place for the needy children.
