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Report: Baking Training

Posted by admin 28 - February - 2005

16 – 17 February: training

18 – 20 February: production under supervisor at Jl Fatahilah I

21 February: moving the equipment to Durueng

22 – 24 February: production under supervisor in Durueng.

Participated by 10 young ladies (17-30 years old) from 3 dusuns ; Cot Riwat, Dianjung and Garut.

Ibu Francisca taught them how to prepare equipment and materials on their own. Cleanliness is the key word. To prepare yeast, use warm water or milk; How to bake it, the recipe and the process, how to use the oven with ventilation. How to pack it with DURUENG brand name.

There are :

  • French Bread
  • Sweet Bread
  • Pita Bread
  • Chocolate Bread
  • Donut

Then how to market it.

Just the 1 st afternoon after all the bread already packed, led by Ibu Francisca and Ibu Elly, all the participants try to offer the bread to ICRC (The International Red Cross) whose office is near our location, in the same road ; Jl Fatahillah I.

After Ibu Francisca explained the aim of such training is for self support program and economic recovery, then the Swiss officer ordered 10 packs from each bread.

The participants were very happy. After returning home again, they were laughing, some even praying. Then they go home to their village in Durueng with the rented car.

The next morning they came earlier with high spirits. They made bread again and sold it out. So in the 3 rd day there were no more trainee fee (Rp25,000/day) but they must earn from what they ca sell.

18 February everybody got Rp. 30,000 from selling

19 February everybody got Rp. 50,000 from selling.

Ibu Elly asked them to form a cooperation or group and train them administration, stock control, product costing, etc.

In the last day 24 February, Ibu Francisca gave up her cell phone to help them in getting orders. Until this report is made, each day Durueng Bakery make and sell hundreds of bread.

Now they have their income of at least Rp20,000/day, the rest they put in savings. Their ambition is to have their own motorbike the distribute the bread to the city by themselves. Their customers are ICRC, UNICEF, WFP (Worlds Food Program), hospitals supermarket PANTE PERAK.

Bakery training and products
