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Anak Laut Goes to School

Posted by admin 13 - May - 2012



Arin potong kuku dengan pisau dapur

Blog: Kuku Kaki Pak Akob Lebih Tebal dari Lubang Gunting Kuku
30 May 2012.

Hari ini, aku punya ‘tugas tambahan’. Tentu, selain belajar baca tulis di rumah usah sekolah bersama anak-anak Suku Laut di Dusun Tajur Biru, Desa Temiang, Kecamatan Senayang. Potong kuku!

Kukira, Dhanik sudah berangkat mandi ketika aku masih… Read More

Kartu Pemilu Suku Laut

Blog: Tak Beragama, Jangan Mimpi Punya KTP
28 May 2012.

Di Indonesia, status agama masih menjadi polemik bagi sebagian suku minoritas. Tak terkecuali bagi kelompok Suku Laut yang menyebar di Kepulauan Riau. Dalam proses birokrasi kependudukan, agama menjadi ganjalan utama bagi kelompok Suku Laut untuk mendapatkan kartu identitas diri, baik yang sudah menganut agama tetapi tidak memiliki surat pernyataan dari pemuka agama yang membimbingnya, terlebih… Read More

Anak Laut Ngibing

Blog: Yuk Ngibing
26 May 2012.

Suara music yang begitu keras, membuat anak-anak semangat berjoget di depan rumah pak Akob. Tak henti-hentinya lantai rumah pak Akob berderak-derak karena goyangan anak-anak. Tawa orang dewasa pun pecah melihat anak-anak “ngibing” atau berjoget mengikuti alunan lagu. Ada yang “ngibing” berpasangan. Ada juga yang… Read More

Suku Laut Berobat ke "Rumah Sakit Laut"

Blog: Dukun VS Dokter?
24 May 2012.

“Kalau berobat, dokter yang tanya apa penyakit kita. Mereka tak tahu. Kalau di dukun, dukun tahu penyakit kita tak perlu tanya.” Kata kak Ana.

Sebuah pemikiran yang sederhana. Ketika berobat ke rumah sakit atau puskesmas, dokter selalu bertanya kepada pasien misalnya apa yang dirasakan pasien, bagian tubuh mana yang sakit, sudah berapa lama sakit, sudah diobati apa dan… Read More

Menampung Air Hujan

Blog: Suku Laut Makmur Air
24 May 2012.

Sore ini makmur air. Hujan belum selesai mengguyur Dusun Tajur Biru, Desa Temiang, Kecamatan Senayang, Kabupaten Lingga, Kepulauan Riau. Usai tetasan besar dari langit, semua wadah tidak lagi tengkurap. Ember plastik warna hitam di belakang rumah, ember bekas cat 25 kiloan, baskom hijau yang biasa digunakan untuk mencuci peralatan masak dan… Read More

Arin Ambil Air Hujan untuk Minum

Blog: Segarnya Air di Drum…
11 May 2012.

Arin (± 4 tahun) mengambil air dari dalam drum dengan sebuah gelas plastik besar yang juga berfungsi sebagai gayung. Ia segera meminumnya. Dengan tangan mungilnya ia pun mengusap mulut. Wajahnya terlihat puas. Kemudian ia berikan gelas plastiknya pada May, sepupunya yang juga mau minum.
Arin dan May tidak sendiri. Mereka mencontoh perilaku orang-orang disekitarnya. Minum air mentah rupanya telah menjadi kebiasaan… Read More

Blog: Sikat Gigi Satu untuk Semua

Blog: Sikat Gigi Satu untuk Semua
4 May 2012.

“Oiya, Nuk’e, aku lupa,” kata Iyus tiba-tiba padaku. Tepat di depan ‘ka mar’ genset saat dia bersama adiknya, Karmer hendak menghidupkan genset.

“Lupa?”… Read More

Anak Laut: Anak-Anak yang Mandiri

Blog: Anak-Anak Laut yang Mandiri
1 May 2012.

Panas terik terasa membakar kulit. Erwin (±8 tahun) sudah mengenakan jaket dan siap berangkat. Berulangkali Erwin mengajak kakaknya untuk berangkat. Namun… Read More

Blog: Jungle Teachers, You are Cool!

Blog: Jungle Teachers, You are Cool!
15 Apr 2012.

Imagine loosing your “urban comfort” like shopping malls, cable TV, mobile phone, proper toilet, etc., for a long period of time. That’s not it. Malaria and other tropical diseases are going to be something that you need to deal with on top of their tight schedule. I remember talking to… Read More

New set of uniforms

New Sets of Uniform.
12 March 2012.

Anak lauts receive another set of uniforms. THF decided to give the kids another set because they had been surviving with only one pair of uniform. Local school is still facing some logistical difficulties in getting the other 2 sets of uniforms -baju kurung (traditional melayu clothes) & physical-exercise uniforms.
On top of that, THF also gave the kids new pairs of socks and underwear. They’ve gotta look good and smart, outside and inside.

Livelihood support Jan 2012

Livelihood Support.
January 2012.

The months of November till February are normally the “windy” period in Temiang island region. It is normally a “challenging” period since our sea tribe (suku laut) friends could not go too far for their spear-fishing, which generates the most income & food. Hence, THF decided to support them with some additional livelihood tools. In the picture, our local friend handed over a set of fishing-net with its peripherals to Kak Ana, representing the suku laut community of Temiang Island.

Kindness in Every Bite

Update: Fundraising in Jakarta.
15 January 2012.

THF Indonesia is running a fundraising drive by selling super yummy cookies.

Find out more…

Video: Assessment Trip Sept 2011.
26 September 2011.

A short video done during our assessment trip to Temiang Island, earlier this month.

View here …

Updates: Assessment Trip Sept 2011.
16 September 2011.

For the THF and our volunteers, 10 September 2011 was no ordinary day. Finally, they got to meet 15 adorable Suku Laut kids whose future was essentially in their hands. This is what they learned.

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Updates: Fundraising by W3-O Staff.
20 September 2011.

After listing a slew of fundraising ideas for the agency’s Annual Charity Drive 2011, W3-O staff finally agreed to pursue the sweetest idea of all–chocolate-making sprinkled with lots of love!

Read more …


Welcome to the official site of “Anak Laut Goes to School” (ALGS), a 6-year programme that aims to help put 15 indigenous Suku Laut kids to school and allow them to finish their primary education. With a world that’s increasingly going global, illiteracy can eventually lead to their extinction from humanity. That’s why The Humanity Forum and partners joined hands so that for the very first time, these Anak Laut can go to school.

With your help, we can provide for their school uniforms, books, stationery, musical instruments and other necessities that even include “School Boats”, to facilitate learning.

Do visit this site often for the latest updates about this rewarding project.
